Heavy Weights for Light Shoulders
Lerato's Story
They live in the shack pictured... She and her brother walk to school each day, over 6 miles away, and then walk that same distance home. When she arrives home, Lerato must fetch water from a river 1½ miles away, and then carry the 6.6 gallons on her head for 1½ miles home. Once that is delivered, she must search for wood, chop and bring it home in a huge pile on her head...The wood is used for food preparation and heating for that night's meal and to keep the family warm.
The Impact of Your Support
Support from Starfish ensures young girls like Lerato and her family are provided with food, school uniforms, psycho-social support, career guidance, and awareness of sexual and reproductive health issues and rights. Their families are supported, to lessen the burden on young women like Lerato who would have no chance to improve their lives were it not for your support.
Support from Starfish ensures young girls like Lerato and her family are provided with food, school uniforms, psycho-social support, career guidance, and awareness of sexual and reproductive health issues and rights. Their families are supported, to lessen the burden on young women like Lerato who would have no chance to improve their lives were it not for your support.